Maypo History
Maypo Transformation
1953 - Maypo, one of the original flavored oatmeals, was developed by the Maltex Corporation, in Burlington, Vermont. Shortly thereafter, Heublein, Inc. purchased the Maltex Corporation.
Mid 1960's - The Uhlmann Co., Kansas City, Missouri, owners of Standard Milling Company, acquired the company.
For the next 20 years, the Uhlmann Company owned and operated the flourmill along with the cereal manufacturing plant in Highspire, PA. The business was known as The Wheatena Corporation, Standard Milling, and/or The Uhlmann Company during this period.
Early 1987 - The Uhlmann Company leased the flour milling business at Highspire to ConAgra but retained ownership of the mill.
April 1988 - The Uhlmann Company sold the cereal manufacturing operation to American Home Foods but retained ownership of the Maypo brand under a long-term royalty arrangement.
November 1996 - International Home Foods acquired American Home Foods and soon thereafter purchased the Maypo brand from The Uhlmann Company.

October 31, 2001 - The Maypo brand and the Highspire facility were purchased by William Stadtlander the owner of Homestat Farm, Ltd. To this day, Maypo is still manufactured in Highspire, PA.
April 1, 2014 - Homestat Farm was purchased from William Statlander by family-owned Camden Holdings.
Today - Homestat Farm, Ltd. is working on reacquainting consumers with the Maypo they knew as kids and introducing it to a new generation of children!